attempting to copy to the disk failed iphone 4
Attempting to copy to the disk failed (MacBook vs. IPod Shuffle) - Apple Support Communities.
Attempting to copy to the disk "iPod" failed. An unknown error.
Nov 21, 2010. Hello, I have a huge problem with iTunes for some time and I can do as much searching the web and the forums but I cannot find a solution.
Attempting to copy to the disk failed..: Apple Support Communities.
Jun 24, 2010. I an trying to restore my new iphone 4 from all my settings from my 3gs. a error message saying "Attempting to copy to the disc "iphone" failed.
'Disk cannot be read from or written to' when. - Support - Apple.
attempting to copy to the disk '' Macintosh HD - Apple Support.
"attempting to copy the disk failed..: Apple Support Communities.
Attempting to copy to the disk "(.)" failed. The device is not.
attempting to copy to disk failed.: Apple Support Communities.
For the past several months my old ipod 20g 4g monochrome has been out of commission.. "Attempting to copy to the disk failed.. less then 100 and then one playlist which I use for my iPhone, which contains 714 songs.
Jan 6, 2012. I set it up with my home computer, but i need it set up with my laptop. And I tried to sync it with my laptop and it keeps saying this messege.
Sep 27, 2007. Attempting to copy to the disk "iTouch" failed. The disk could not be read from or written to. So I tried optimizing the videos for ipod/iphone but.
Apr 19, 2008. I have been having this problem since the launch of the iTouch. I manually added all of my 2500 songs to my 16 GB iTouch last year 15 at a.